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Air Pollution Basics (BASC)

The Air Pollution Basics curriculum is intended for newly hired federal, state, local, and tribal air professionals, as well as individuals who want to learn more about how air pollution affects our world. Learners should be familiar with the content covered in this curriculum before taking courses under the curricula that relate to specific air agency job functions.

In the left column, you will find entire e-learning courses. The right column provides the content of those same courses arranged by learning objective, for learners who would like to customize their learning plan or who are looking for more targeted training content. (It should be noted that training material is not yet available for all learning objectives.)
eLearning Courses

New hire and need a course that covers all the basics? Start Here.

After completion of this course, learners will be able to generally describe the impact of air quality legislation in the United States.

After completion of this course, learners will be able to describe the types of air pollutants that are harmful to human health and/or the environment.

After completion of this course, learners will be able to explain general approaches as well as technology-specific controls for reducing emissions of particulate matter (PM), nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulfur oxides (SOx), and volatile organic compounds (VOCs).

After completion of this course, learners will be able to explain the health and environmental effects of air pollutants.

After completion of this course, learners will be able to explain the purpose of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) within the air quality management process.

After completion of this course, learners will be able to explain key concepts associated with implementation of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS).

After completion of this course, learners will be able to explain the basic concepts of both the New Source Review and Title V air permitting programs.

After completion of this course, learners will be able to explain the various interrelated aspects of air pollution control, understand the basic terminology, and have a rudimentary understanding of some of the technical aspects of regulating, measuring, and controlling air pollution.

This air quality overview course is intended for new hires within state, local, and tribal air agencies. After completion of the course, learners will be able to explain and define each of the components of the air quality management cycle in the United States under the Clean Air Act and the basic scientific concepts that support them.
eLearning Modules
(Listed by Learning Objective)

1. Generally describe the principle components of the air quality management cycle
Air Quality Management CycleAir Knowledge Content

The Megacities Partnership: A Framework for Air Quality ManagementEPA Developed Content

2. Identify key historic episodes and events that led to the passage of air pollution control legislation
The History of Air Pollution Control LegislationAir Knowledge Content

3. Highlight air pollution control successes since the 1970 passage of the CAA
Clean Air Act ProgressAir Knowledge Content

4. Generally describe the types of air pollutants
What are Criteria PollutantsAir Knowledge Content

What are Air ToxicsAir Knowledge Content

What are Greenhouse GasesAir Knowledge Content

5. Generally describe the sources of air pollutants
Sources of Air PollutionAir Knowledge Content

Control of Stationary Source Particulate Matter EmissionsLegacy Content

Control of Stationary Source Gaseous EmissionsLegacy Content

Control of Mobile SourcesLegacy Content

6. Explain the health and environmental effects of air pollutants
Health Effects of Air PollutantsAir Knowledge Content

Environmental Effects of Air PollutantsAir Knowledge Content

Health and Environmental Effects of Criteria PollutantsAir Knowledge Content

Health and Environmental Effects of Air ToxicsAir Knowledge Content

7. Explain basic concepts in environmental sciences related to air pollution
Transport and Fate of Air PollutantsAir Knowledge Content

Basic Concepts in Environmental ScienceLegacy Content

Characteristics of GasesLegacy Content

Characteristics of ParticlesLegacy Content

Liquid CharacteristicsLegacy Content

Meteorology and the AtmosphereLegacy Content

Heat Balance of the AtmosphereLegacy Content

The Dynamic Structure of the AtmosphereLegacy Content

Vertical Motion and Atmospheric StabilityLegacy Content

Meteorological InstrumentsLegacy Content

Use of Meteorology in Air Quality ProgramsLegacy Content

8. Describe common engineering practices and technologies used to control or minimize air pollution
Controlling Air PollutionAir Knowledge Content

Air Pollutants and Control TechniquesLegacy Content

Introduction to Emission Control for Industrial SourcesLegacy Content

Emission Control TechnologiesLegacy Content

9. Outline relevant information in the CAA
Structure and Key Provisions of the Clean Air ActAir Knowledge Content

10. Explain the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS)
Introduction to the National Ambient Air Quality StandardsAir Knowledge Content

11. Explain implementation of the NAAQS
What are Area DesignationsAir Knowledge Content

What is a State or Tribal Implementation PlanAir Knowledge Content

Timeline and Roles for SIP-TIP Submittal and ReviewAir Knowledge Content

12. Define air pollution transport and Regional Haze
Not Yet Available

13. Explain the New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) program for stationary sources
Not Yet Available

14. Define operating permit and New Source Review programs
New Source Review ProgramAir Knowledge Content

Title V Permitting ProgramAir Knowledge Content

15. Describe the roles/responsibilities of air agencies under the CAA
Not Yet Available

16. Explain the requirements for Federal coordination on air quality issues
Not Yet Available

17. Describe how the EPA estimates the economic value of health benefits from reducing pollution
Not Yet Available

18. Describe the basic principles for ambient air monitoring
What is Ambient Air Monitoring?Air Knowledge Content

Introduction to Ambient Air Monitoring for Criteria PollutantsLegacy Content

19. Describe the basic principles for source testing and source monitoring
Not Yet Available

20. Define the Air Quality Index (AQI) and its regulatory basis
Not Yet Available

21. Describe the basic principles for emissions inventories
What is an Emissions InventoryAir Knowledge Content

Purposes and Types of Emissions InventoriesAir Knowledge Content

The National Emissions InventoryAir Knowledge Content

22. Describe the basic principles for air quality modelling and its applications
Plume Dispersion and Air Quality ModelingLegacy Content

23. Define the air toxics control program
Regulatory Framework for Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs) from Stationary SourcesAir Knowledge Content

24. Explain the process of compliance and enforcement
Compliance and EnforcementLegacy Content

25. Define quality assurance and quality control
Not Yet Available

26. Describe tools and resources available for public health messaging
Resources to Aid in Protecting Human Health from Wildland Fire SmokeAir Knowledge Content

27. List ways the public can participate in the regulatory process
Not Yet Available

28. Explain how tribal air quality is addressed through the Clean Air Act
Tribal Air Quality under the Clean Air ActAir Knowledge Content