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Classroom Course Materials

AirKnowledge provides instructor-led training materials that can be used by learners for reference purposes, or by instructors for instructional purposes (for example, air agencies may have subject matter experts who could use the materials to provide instruction). Select the button for any course of interest to access a course description and course materials.

Please note that while the majority of AirKnowledge classroom courses are intended for in-person settings, a few courses were designed for virtual delivery. While the course materials are generally the same for in-person and virtual instruction, there may be differences in some materials such as course agendas and class activities.

Instructor aids, such as polling questions, exam materials, and instructor guides are available upon request to

This 1-day course serves as a building block to provide learners with foundational knowledge for why and how hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) from stationary sources are regulated before taking courses on other air toxics or industry-specific topics, such as permitting, control technologies, inspections, or enforcement. This course covers the listing of HAPs, listing of HAPs sources, components of the National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAPs), Maximum Achievable Control Technology (MACT) and Generally Available Control Technology (GACT) standard setting, and NESHAP residual risk review and technology review.

This one-day course provides an overview of hot mix asphalt facilities.

This one-day course provides an overview of aggregate plants.

This one-day course provides general information associated with cement plants.

This two-day course explains the operation of aggregate, asphalt, and concrete batching plants.

This one-day course provides an overview of metal parts and products operations.

This one-day course provides an overview of solvent cleaning specifically degreasing operations.

This one-day course focuses on process, emission control equipment and inspection procedures of small to medium sized solid waste incinerators.

This one-day course provides general information associated with stationary reciprocating engines.

This two day course, provides an overview of the key elements relating to stationary gas turbines.

This one-day course provides an overview of industrial boiler operations.

This one-day course provides an overview of biomass boiler operations.

This one-day course covers the history, use of raw materials, production methods, emission control methods and inspection procedures for polyester resin and fiberglass facilities, as well as pollution prevention, legal requirements, and Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT)/Best Available Control technology (BACT).

This one-day course provides an overview of the key elements relating to landfill gas control facilities.

This one-day course explains the basic aspects of dry cleaning operations.

This two-day course covers terminology, basic chemistry, pollutants of concern, control technologies, regulations common to petroleum refineries, and the steps in the refining process.

This one-day course explains how fugitive volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions in regulated facilities are identified.

This four-day course prepares learners to evaluate techniques typically used to control volatile organic emissions from certain industrial sources.

This four-and-a-half day course covers different types of combustion sources and the operating characteristics of each source.