After completion of this course, learners will be able to explain key concepts associated with implementation of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS). The course is comprised of three modules and an exam:
Module 1: What are Area Designations
After completion of this module, learners will be able to explain area designations in the context of the Clean Air Act (CAA). Specifically, learners will be able to:
Define the term area designations.
Explain the CAA designation requirements.
Explain what CAA section 107(d) establishes in the designations process.
Define attainment, nonattainment, and unclassifiable area designations under the CAA.
Module 2: What is a State or Tribal Implementation Plan
After completion of this module, learners will be able to explain what a SIP/TIP is.
Generally explain what a SIP/TIP is.
Explain the two main types of SIPs/TIPs.
Module 3: Timeline and Roles for SIP/TIP Submittal and Review
After completion of this module, learners will be able to explain the general timeline and roles for SIP/TIP submittal by states, local air agencies and participating tribes (SLTs), as well as EPA review.
Explain the general timeline for SIP/TIP submittals.
Describe the roles of states, local air agencies, and tribes with respect to SIP/TIP submittal.
Describe the role of the EPA with respect to SIP/TIP review.
The course takes approximately 185 minutes to complete.
Note: It is recommended, but not required, that learners complete the course “BASC110-SI: Introduction to the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS)” before taking this course.
BASC111-SI: Introduction to National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) Implementation