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Classroom Course Materials
Air Pollution Basics
Air Quality Modeling
Air Quality Planning
Air Toxics Rule Development and Implementation
Ambient Air Monitoring
Emissions Inventories
Source Emissions Testing and Source Emissions Monitoring
Air Pollution Basics
Air Quality Modeling
Air Quality Planning
Air Toxics Rule Development and Implementation
Ambient Air Monitoring
Emissions Inventories
Source Emissions Testing and Source Emissions Monitoring
After completion of this one-day course, learners will be able to explain basic aspects of dry cleaning operations. Course topics include:
• Industry history
• Emissions and health impacts
• The dry cleaning process
• The inspector's role in ensuring compliance with the Airborne Toxic Control Measure (ATCM) for Perchloroethylene from Dry Cleaning Operations
• Leak detection equipment
TOXC230-CI: Dry Cleaning (formerly NACT 287)
TOXC230 Agenda.pdf
TOXC230 Slides.pdf
TOXC230 Handout DryCleanerInspectionChecklist.pdf
TOXC230 Handout Drycleaning Brochure.pdf
TOXC230 Handout Drycleaning Info Sheet.pdf
TOXC230 Handout.Rule Flowchart.pdf
TOXC230 Handout FAQ.pdf
TOXC230 Handout JusttheFacts NewYork.pdf
TOXC230 Handout Info Sheet NewYork.pdf
TOXC230 Handout NSPS.pdf
TOXC230 Handout OSHA perc exposure protection.pdf
TOXC230 Handout Perc NESHAP Form Initial Notification.pdf
TOXC230 Handout Missouri.pdf
TOXC230 Handout Solvent White Paper.pdf