The continuous monitoring systems (CMS) course has been designed as a three day classroom immersion into concepts pertaining to CMS. After completion of this course, learners will be able to:
• Describe terminology and techniques that are common in the field
• Identify performance specifications and quality assurance (QA) procedures
• Explain how to use the performance specifications and where to locate requirements
• Describe different types of audits and enforcement procedures
This course is intended for a fairly broad audience and could include participants with non-technical backgrounds (e.g., a basic degree in science) as well as technical backgrounds (e.g., a chemical engineering degree). No prior knowledge of CMS is presumed. This course is intended primarily for new hires or any participants who need an understanding of CMS in their job responsibilities.
Staff who could benefit from the course include, but are not limited to the following:
• Staff who are inspection and/or enforcement personnel
• Staff who observe stack test and CMS certifications
• Staff who are reviewing audit reports
• Staff who work on permits
SRCE104-CI: Continuous Monitoring Systems (formerly APTI 474)